Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

We just read this on our GLA Blog Update:
Adoption News

March 27, 2008
Hallelujah! Six (6) children's dossiers came out of Parquet today. Several are from May 2007! We received one (1) at the end of last week that had been in Parquet 13 months! There are another 12 that they told us yesterday will be signed tomorrow and we can come and get them on Monday or Tuesday. We had 18 dossiers stuck in Parquet, so this will be all of the ones that have been in there for so long. It is really good to see movement in Parquet!
We contacted our Adoption Agency and found out that we are not one of the 6, that came out yesterday, but we know that we are one of the 12 that will come out today. We will know for sure by Tuesday!
This is GREAT news!
We've been waiting in Parquet for 10 1/2 months! Can you believe it?! It's actually going to happen!
We started our adoption journey back in '04. We had first checked out the foster/adoption but it didn't fit well with our family at that time with the ages of our children only being 4 and 2. So we began working with
Bethany Adoption in finding a place to adopt from. We were really open to any child with any ability (as long as the disability wasn't too great), any race. We were approved for Ukraine and began the process. The Ukraine government closed it's doors for a while to adopting so we decided to try domestic adoption (here in the US). We completed all our paperwork and waited for a while. As we were in the waiting process we were told about an orphanage in Haiti called God's littlest Angels. We talked about switching once again and felt that it was the right way to go for our family. In the Summer of '06 we once again completed paper work and did all the necessary things to prepare our dossier (by now, we were ready to be done with all the running around and the continual hidden costs of having paper work filled out, signed and notarized, and doctor's appointments). During this time we were able to go on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic which was awesome. The DR shares the same island as Haiti so we were able to see a culture and lifestyle similar to Haiti and get a better idea of where we were adopting from.
Dec. 1st, 2006 we were matched up with Jeremy. This was the first picture we saw of him. He was 14 months at the time, was healthy, and was being well taken care of by the orphanage.
Our dossier went into
IBESR in Jan. of '07, it was approved, then entered Parquet May of '07 (which authenticates the signatures and checks with the birthparents to be sure that they had given up their child to be adopted). We had thought that Parquet would only take a couple months, but as the months dragged on and on we had no idea what to expect. We knew we had great people in Haiti working along side the orphanage pleading our case (and the cases of others), but there wasn't much hope to go on. (click this link to a web blog that has a great description of why, check out the fifth to the last paragraph) Then, after another meeting, the dossiers are moving through! Yeay!
We feel like we've been waiting so long. It's been hard allowing much emotion to build because there has never been an end in sight. But the end is actually coming. It is an end that is leading to the beginning of bonding and loving this awesome little boy.
Thank you for all your prayers and support during this time. We appreciate our family and friends and all who have all been an encouragement to us!

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